Category Archives: having a kanye moment

Oh No I’ve Said Too Much.

That’s not happiness to see me, is it? — Michael Douglas, A Perfect Murder

This year for Yom Kippur bitches better atone to ME. I am DONE. I am not atoning for SHIT. I am the Kanye West of the blogging world. Bitches should be HONORED to atone their sins to ME.

Sometimes I just hate this city. Sometimes I just want to walk outside and just vomit everywhere. Sometimes I can’t be as positive about life as I was in my last post.

I just cannot believe that everything happens for a reason. I think this is something people say when something doesn’t work out for them. Life isn’t an episode of “Lost.” That person you saw at the airport is not going to become the love of your life 3 months later. Life is random and full of dead ends. Things don’t work out the way you think they will. So here’s where your choice comes in: you can accept that it didn’t work out as you thought it would and be okay with it or you can act like an asshole. I have chosen to act like an asshole.

When I was a little kid I thought I would be doing something very different than what I’m doing now. But in all honesty, when I was a little kid, I thought I would be Zorro. I thought that by now I would be running around in a cape with a sword. That didn’t happen. Am I pissed off that I’m not Zorro? Fuck yeah I’m pissed off I’m not Zorro! That’s bullshit! I SHOULD BE ZORRO, FUCK THIS.

I don’t want to be an adult! Except I like the part about drinking. That’s a great part of being an adult. Even though I’m an adult most people think I’m under 21. I got carded at my Nana’s 90th birthday party. The fuck?? And here’s the kicker: I was a year older than the bartender! What’s going on? And why didn’t I get carded today? SOMEONE FUCKING CARD ME.


So yeah, I’m done. If Bret Easton Ellis gets to walk around drunk while wearing sunglasses indoors, I should get to do that too. I have nice Polo Ralph Lauren sunglasses and mine are PRESCRIPTION, SO FUCK YOU BRET EASTON ELLIS. I still want to be your best friend though.

Hey, in order to be the voice of my generation, do I actually have to write something? Can’t I just tweet shit and be drunk? I think if Ernest Hemingway had twitter he would stop writing novels. Didn’t he think that the best thing he ever wrote was a six word short story? I REST MY PANTS.

Runaway — Kanye West


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Stop. Flaking. Out.

Is it me? Is the answer.

The question is, “Why are people such flakes?”

In this way I answered a question with a question but you’ll have to forgive me for that.

All I know is that this guff is getting old.

Guidelines, people, guidelines. Stop flaking out. Here’s how:

How To Ask Someone Out (Either Romantically or Platonically, It’s The Same Thing, But One Requires More Flirting)

1. Call them.

2. You’re going to text them instead, aren’t you? Goddamn it.

3. Say/text (if you must, ugh): “Hello/Hey/Salutations Bart, it’s Mildred. [You probably won’t have to say who it is in a text because everyone has caller ID on their cell. I’ll leave that part up to you, chief.] Would you like to get some dinner/drinks/catch a glimpse of Robert Downey Jr. on the silver screen?”

4. Your next step is to GIVE AN OPTION FOR TIMES/DATES WHEN YOU ARE FREE. IF YOU DO NOT OFFER DATES WHEN YOU ARE FREE, YOU MAY AS WELL SAY, “These are imaginary plans, feel free to blow me off.” GIVE PEOPLE TWO OPTIONS, THREE AT THE MOST. Ex. “I am free Wednesday and Friday evening, does that work for you?”

5. YOU MUST HAVE A LOCATION & TIME IN MIND BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE STUPID AND YOU HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING FOR THEM. I’m not kidding. Again, if you don’t offer a time and place, it’s like you’re saying, “These plans are totally theoretical and I know it’s not really going to happen.” Ex. “There’s a great lounge called Little Ricky’s in Culver City or a bar in Hollywood, Lucy & Ethel’s, depending on where you feel like going. I’ll be free around nine o’ clock.” (Note: these places are imaginary, like your plans will be, if you don’t offer locations.)

6. If you insist on texting, then you need to offer all of these plans in one text, because you want to make it as simple as possible for the idiot you’re asking out to take in all of this deeply complex information.

7. If you’re doing this over the phone you need to sound happy about it and not intense/upset/sarcastic. Think like Monica Gellar: “I’m breezy!” but like Monica Gellar do not actually say that out loud unless you know for sure that the other person will pick up on that Friends reference, and even then, you really want to be sure that they’ll appreciate it. There’s nothing worse than throwing out a reference no one gets (ex. “Dental plan!”)

8. Subtly reiterate your plans before you hang up/after the confirming text of “Sounds good.” Ex. “Great so I’ll see you at 9 at Lewis Caroll’s Bar and Grill on Friday. xo.”

9. As far as I know, there is no such place as Lewis Caroll’s Bar and Grill. DON’T GET MAD, OK? IT WAS JUST AN EXAMPLE. JESUS. CALM DOWN.

10. If you really want to ensure that you don’t get blown off, offer to meet the other person at their house or pick them up, or ask them to pick you up. Realize though that if you meet them at their place you’ll probably wind up there when the evening is over, and you’ll be doing a little more than watching I Love Lucy reruns, if ya know what I mean. I’m OK with that, are you?

Maybe you’re thinking that this is an awful lot of information that you’re bombarding the other person with. Well, you’re GREATLY overestimating people and their capacity to not be a total flake. Maybe you live in 1956 where gentlemen callers literally called. If you are, what the hell are you doing on the Internet? I’m onto you, time traveler. I’m so fucking onto you.

Homecoming — The Teenagers


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The Great Paradox.


This beautiful card was sent to me by one of my beautiful internet friends. Thank you BB.

Now let’s get to the part of the post where I complain about men, totally ignoring the beautiful sentiment of the beautiful card.

Here is something that I don’t understand. You 20-something men don’t want to be in relationships.


Case in point: I just got back from a certain singer’s party, in which Lance Bass was a guest. Oh yeah, I can name drop some serious shit. Anyway. “What does it feel like to be one of the most attractive guys here?” I asked one of the most attractive guys there. Apparently, it felt good. And drunk. “I have a girlfriend,” he finally admitted. “She’s in Mississippi.”

What? WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS? Why is your girlfriend in Mississippi? What the hell kind of good is that going to do anybody? He then informed me that he is flying her out. GREAT. I HOPE THE TWO OF YOU GET MARRIED ON A GODDAMN STEAMBOAT.

And when the hell did every 20-something guy stop falling in love with me? Guys used to fall in love with me all of the time. I used to be the greatest. I won’t sugarcoat it. But now they instead look right over my head. I know I’m short, but I’m still pretty. What happened? Maybe it’s because my personality kind of sucks. I mean honestly I am a huge egomaniac. And I’m kind of an asshole. But hot guys pull this shit off all the time! Why can’t I?

Excuse me, my decaf green tea is ready.

Anyway back to what I was saying: If no 20-something guy wants to be in a relationship then why is every 20-something guy I know in a relationship?

What fresh hell is this?

OK, now that that is out of my system, I will drink my tea and get back to being like Audrey Hepburn. Maybe men aren’t flocking to me anymore because they sense that talking to me is like playing Russian Roulette. (Let’s me honest, that’s one of those similes that sounds really good but on a second read it doesn’t quite make sense. I tried.) I should really though focus on more important things anyway: my career.


The Greatest — Cat Power

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