Riddle Me.


"Real Simple 2"

Good evening, paper gangstas. I hope your weekend was EXPLOSIVE. I got a question on formspring asking me why I don’t do more videos and if maybe I could answer some questions in a video. I totally can. Though I don’t know if people really care to ask me any questions or to know the answers to these questions. But if you do:

Ask me a question here

and I’ll reply with the answer in a little video for your enjoyment.

I hope this isn’t a disastuh.


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0 thoughts on “Riddle Me.

  1. apocalypstick

    This photo is old so I can't remember who did my brows then but lately I've been a huge fan of sugaring. Studio Alexandria in Brentwood is AWESOME for that.

  2. Anonymous

    Just don't stop writing…. your writing has helped people figure out the answers to questions they didn't even know they had… and the good laughs have been nice for the soul too.

  3. Isaac Coin

    Sugaring is dated, you should try "vurming." It is the application of this mildly caustic yeast paste. It also dissolves blemishes, like, freckles and moles, and fingerprints and stuff. I love it.