Words & Phrases That I Overuse.

“What time is it?” / “What day is it?” / “Am I hungry?” / “I’ll have an iced tall skinny vanilla latte, please.” / “Wait what’s going on?” / “I don’t even know what’s happening right now.” / “Do I like you?” / “Do I have to take the freeway?” / “Where is that?” / “What is that?” / “Who is that?” / “I think we’ve met.” / “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” / “And I was like, ‘what?'” / (In the company of one other person) “You guys.” / “Where am I?” / “Is 3 o clock too early to start drinking?” / “Why does that guy/girl have a pilot and I don’t?” / “I should write for The Simpsons.” / “I’m not sleeping with you tonight.” / “Why does everything bad happen to me?” / “Where are my sunglasses?” / “I’m running a little late.” / “I’ll be there in, like, twenty minutes.” / “I’m bored, you wanna make out in my car?” / “I can’t sleep.” / “Okay.” / “Is that guy hot? I can’t tell, I don’t have my glasses on.” / “Have I been here?” / “I broke the cork in the bottle again.” / “I’m sorry.” / “I’m sorry that I’m sorry.” / “I’m exhausted, I’m just going to stay in and watch American Idol.” / “Is it safe to mix these two pills?”


Tomorrow is my Blogiversary. 2 years. Expect a fun little post tomorrow in celebration of this intangible internet thing. Treats for all.

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18 thoughts on “Words & Phrases That I Overuse.

  1. Genie

    Haha, I’m always asking if some guy is hot or not when I don’t have my glasses. And it sucks having to depend on other people’s opinions.

    1. Almie Rose Post author

      I KNOW RIGHT?? Thankfully my friends know me well enough where they can take a look and say, “No they’re not.” However, I never believe them.

    1. Almie Rose Post author

      I pull this shit off in a mini cooper, ITALIAN JOB INDEED.

      I don’t know what that means, that doesn’t mean anything.

    1. Almie Rose Post author


  2. Gsouder

    Personally, I like to keep my glasses off because it opens up the playing field a bit. High definition in movies= Good. High definition walking down the street= bad

  3. rosjiggidy

    HAHAHA love that someone else does the “you guys” when only one person is around. For added oomphf I like to throw in a “shucks” to up the ante on the “you guys”.

    Also 3 o’clock (am or pm) is almost to late.

    1. Almie Rose Post author

      Holy smokes, another “You Guys” person?? It’s so good to meet you!! Where did we pick this up? Why do we say it?

      1. rosjiggidy

        I know! when I saw that on your list I did a double take. I’ve sat here for a good ten minutes trying to figure out where I picked it up and I’m stumped. Oh & take the benefit of my hindsight; don’t let this one slip out on a first date with a guy who clearly has no sense of humour.

      2. Michelle

        I hate hate HATE the words “you guys” especially referring to mixed groups or females..I just ignore all the people who use it..and GUY in itself is starting to be used to refer to objects..really really idiotic eigh?

  4. Heather

    My being there in like, 20 minutes is usually be there in 30 minutes to an hour. Life happens along the way, I can’t find my shoes, etc. Not accountable for these things, people.

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