7 thoughts on “Just A Friendly Note.

  1. constantsbecomesurreal

    ha ha i sometimes wonder if my parents read my blog…how do you know he reads your blog?

  2. La Fille Atomique

    Oh jeez…I have no idea if I want to tell my parents about my blog or what I'd do if they discovered it on their own. My mom used to read my cooking blog, but this is totally different. I feel your pain!

  3. Emily

    Aw your poor poppa. He just wants to keep up with your life!

    Unless he is not a welcome part of your life. In that case, FUCK OFF ALMIE'S DAD.

    But hopefully it's that first scenario.

  4. Sinnicism

    My dad found out about mine via facebook.

    BY THE WAY, what is up with parents being on facebook? Stop invading my interlife, grown ups!

  5. Molly Lambert

    LOL I always tell my parents not to read mine. it's like a diary everyone is allowed to read except your parents.

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